Equipped To Survive Presents Stay Alive An Independent ThinkQuest Student Project |
The gradual loss of water and salts from the body causes headache, dizziness, nausea, and sweating. The victim may have pale, clammy skin, muscle cramps, and breathing problems. Move him to a cool place and give him plenty of food and electrolyte solutions.
Heatstroke is the result of depletion of body fluids or exposure to a significant heat source. It can cause feverishness, severe headache and vomiting, the cessation of sweating, and unconsciousness.
1. Cool the body of a heatstroke victim immediately. Make sure it is in the shade.2. If possible, put him in cool water; wrap him in cool wet clothes or sleeping bag liner; or sponge his skin with cool water, rubbing alcohol, ice, or cold packs.
3. Once the victim's temperature drops to about 101 F, you may lay him in the recovery position in a cool room.
4. If the temperature begins to rise again, you will need to repeat the cooling process.
5. If he/she is able to drink, you may give him some water.
6. Do not give a heatstroke victim any medication.
7. You should watch for signs of shock while waiting for medical attention.